Developing Theoretical and Conceptual Framework in Research

Developing Theoretical and Conceptual Framework in Research

Some disciplines tend to regard conceptual framework and theoretical framework as the same. But in most of the cases, there see some differences that are explored below. 

Theoretical framework-

  • Investigating the literature following the object of the research. Finding some variables that are more fit to construct questions and hypotheses also. These questions will help the researcher to map the objectives.
  • Investigator explores some ideas from the given theories to point some bases of the recent research.
  • But the fact is that the theoretical framework is usually based on an already tested hypothesis that has been received.
Conceptual framework-
  • A conceptual framework is the representation of an expected relationship among the variables for your study. These variables are the simply properties or characteristics of the research phenomena. These variables have been collected from the literature review to achieve the objective of the research. These variables will be used in the hypothesis. I spent 5 months on a literature review and obtained a list of variables. I listed these variables in a table first mentioning the source also. I tried to differentiate the variables into dependent and independent variables. Lastly developed 8 hypotheses. Also, draw a diagram showing dependency and interrelationship of the variables. It was approved by the supervisor.
  • If your conceptual framework is accurate that means it reduces the knowledge gap. 
  • Wide acceptance, a conceptual framework provides leeway for a researcher to introduce a really fresh idea that can later be developed to the level of universal theory. The difference, therefore, lies in their extent universality and acceptability.
  • Establishing final relationship among the variables obtained from a theoretical framework. The test can be completed based on the conceptual framework and finally, the researcher will prove the relationship of the conceptual framework using any statistical model. A Multiple Linear Regression model of SPSS software was used for my PhD research. This model was used to test the hypothesis of the research.
  • Steps to make conceptual framework:
    • Select the research topic
    • Complete the literature review
    • Make a list of variables
    • Make a list of dependent variables with corresponding independent variables
    • Make diagram
    • Make hypothesis
    • Make questions for data collection

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The writer is Oracle Certified Professional, trainer, innovator,  researcher and can be contacted at the mail


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    1. Thanks. You logged on 3 times. Yes, I Shall explore it. I shall write only from own experience. Suggest me on this way.


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