Role of Critical Success Factors and KPI for Developing SMP


Critical Success Factors and KPI
Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid
Every organization or industry will have its own objectives. Every task that must be finished successfully and efficiently will adhere to a specific process. Ultimately, every process will have a distinct cycle from start to finish. There will be a lot of repetitive activities. Activities won't all be CSF. CSF is a list of a few crucial actions that will help break the cycle and help accomplish the goals.

The key point indicators (KPI) used to describe each CSF will be unique. The CSF and KPI concepts are more useful when creating a Strategic Management Plan (SMP) or carrying out research.

 From the above discussion, I may conclude a definition of CSF:

CSF are the list of potential activities or variables that have influence to end the process effectively to achieve any vision.
NAPD is a leading training academy in Bangladesh. Different training courses are offered in a year. NADP has goal to get 100% satisfaction report from the trainee evaluation. What factors and KPI can be to success a training course?




Ø  Online platform

Ø  Access all platform

Ø  Confirm by message

Communication with trainee

Ø  Verbal communication with every trainee


Ø  Time maintain

Ø  Guests selection

Develop program schedule

Ø  Update

Ø  Approval

Speaker selection

Ø  Call best speakers

Ø  Close contact with speakers

Session conduct

Ø  Timely start

Ø  Timely end

Ø  Training tools ensured

Study tour

Ø  Select proper place

Ø  Comfort journey

Ø  Report presentation

Food delivery

Ø  Delicious foods selection

Ø  Cafe services

Ø  Cafe cleanliness

Closing ceremony

Ø  Select guests

Ø  Timely start and end

Alumni members

Ø  Register for alumni

Ø  email contact


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