PhD Tips

 PhD Tips

Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid

Director (Admin & Finance), NAPD

I’d like to share my personal experiences with the PhD journey from my perspective-

1. A PhD doesn't demand extraordinary intelligence, but rather an immense amount of patience and perseverance.
2. The scope of your research will not be vast, but rather a very specific and narrow focus.
3. Your supervisor cannot do everything for you; they serve as a guiding umbrella. Ultimately, you will be your own supervisor.
4. Keeping a PhD diary is essential. Write down every thought, idea, or insight as soon as it comes to you—even after leaving the washroom. Make sure to follow through on each task and mark it off once completed.
5. From day one to the very end, adhere strictly to the guidelines provided by your university and supervisor. Review other PhD reports to enhance the quality of your work.
6. Avoid being overly ambitious about publishing in renowned journals. It takes time. Stick to your university's guidelines when choosing a journal for submission.


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