How to Conduct a FGD?

 Conducting FGD and Report Writing

FGD (Focus Group Discussion)-

FGD is a tools of PRA and RRA. FGD is not survey. Survey will have questions. For, FGD will have checklist. NVIVO software is helpful for data analysis. FGD is a method to collect qualitative data. 6-10 participants/respondents will have in a FGD. But 2+ can also be for a particular case. Time for a FGD can 60-90 minutes.

In FGD participants can be but in quantitative data collection respondents is more fit.

Same or homogeneous group participants will be sit for a FGD. Heterogeneous group also can be. Example, for policy making FGD- UNO, Chairman, village farmers can sit forgather. But in this case, precautions for FGD that not to be heart by any one.

No outer discussion will be in FGD. Facilitator will have this power to manage it. Facilitator will dominate the FGD period. It is his power.

Purpose of FGD-

Evaluation. It can be short term ,mid term and long term evaluation.

FGD Team-

FGD will be done by a facilitator, note keeper and supporting staff. Supporting staff will record and video. Researcher itself or skilled/trained person can be facilitator. Note keeper's information will be triangulated with supporting staff recorder. When FGD is running, then all data will be displayed in Flipchart in summative form. Local language will be used. Will ask to everyone that whether they told this or not. Take consult from all.

Data validation-

    Whether my data is significant or not? FGD data must be compare with any national level data like BBA in Bangladesh or any previous research/benchmark. If compare result is close then my research is valid.

Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid

Director (Admin & Finance)



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