How to Write Case Study Report?

Case Study Report

Specific Terms to Follow-

Ø  Font-  Times New Roman  or Arial

Ø  Font Size head-12 Bold, body-12 normal

Ø  Space- Double or demanded by the respective authority

Ø  Font size- 12 or specified by the authority

Ø  Total words (Specified by the authority)

Ø  Total pages (Specified by the authority)


Section 1: Synopsis/Executive Summary

ü Organization Background.  Explain what your organization did.

ü Short and sweet.

ü Create 2 or 3 crucial sentences that provide a concise overview of the case study

ü Value Proposition (What is unique, being new, original, or unusual or innovation here)

ü It must be informative and summarize the story by introducing the customer or stakeholders and their pain points.

ü Challenge if any.

ü Solution.


    Section 2: Introduction

•        Introduction

•        Problem Statement

•        Rationale of the Study

•        Chapter summary (Brief summary of each chapter

   Section 3: Analysis

                Tinvestigate a business problem,

                Examine the alternative solutions,

                Propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.

   Section 4: Conclusion and Recommendations

         Avoid generic statements.

         Conclude your report by explaining why your recommendation will have an impact.

          Summaries most important point of your findings based on original data.

         Write important implications of your study.

References (APA or Harvard as per the direction of the supervisor)  Bibliography (Same as Reference but more references that are not in the body of the report


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NB: You can put your valuable comments to improve the blog content. The writer is Oracle Certified Professional, trainer, innovator,  researcher, consultant and can be contacted at the mail


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