How to Write a Research Proposal?


Research proposal

The research proposal is like the blueprints an architect draws out before a structure is built. A crucial step in the research process is creating a research proposal.

Following key points can be followed when preparing a research proposal.

TITLE of the Research

1.    Introduction

1)   Background of the Study

2)    Problem Statement

3)    Rational of the Study

4) Research Questions / Hypothesis

5)   Objectives

6) Limitation of Research

7) Chapter Organizations

2.    Literature Review

3.    Conceptual Framework/Theoretical Framework

4.    Methodology

1)    Study Design

2)    Sample Size Distribution

3)    Ethical issues

4)    Triangulation

5)    Procedure

5.    Conclusion

6.    Time schedule

7.    Cost proposal/Budget


Becare about beneath points

      10-15 Pages or total words limited by the institutes.

  20-30 Minutes Presentation (If you are selected and called as researcher)

 Linking up is must  among the Title, Questioners, Problem statements and objectives

Points to remember about title and section details


        Focuses About the Research

        Rarely use of Abbreviations

        No Bracket

        Limited 10-15 words

        Capital Letters


        Brief Rationale why the Study is Worth Pursuing

        Importance of the Study

    Summary of Important Events Like, Objective, Methodology, Related Literature, i.e. Whatever you have Covered in the Proposal - all Should Come in Summarized Form.

Problem Statement

A well-crafted problem statement typically includes the following components:

  1. Background Information:

    • Briefly describes the context or setting in which the problem exists.
    • Provides the necessary background to understand the significance of the issue.
    • Includes relevant literature or existing studies that highlight gaps or contradictions in the current understanding of the topic.
  2. The Specific Problem:

    • Clearly identifies the central issue or challenge the research will address.
    • States the problem in specific terms, so readers can understand exactly what the research is aiming to solve or explore.
  3. Justification for the Study:

    • Explains why this problem is important and worth investigating.
    • Highlights the potential impact or implications of resolving the problem.
    • Demonstrates the relevance of the problem to the field, industry, or society.
  4. Research Questions or Objectives:

    • Lists the main research questions that guide the study or the objectives the research aims to achieve.
    • These questions should be directly tied to the problem statement and provide a clear direction for the research.
  5. Scope of the Problem:

    • Defines the boundaries of the study (e.g., geographical, temporal, or subject scope).
    • Indicates the limitations or specific aspects of the problem the research will focus on.
  6. Potential Consequences:

    • Describes the negative effects or consequences of not addressing the problem.
    • May include social, economic, technological, or environmental consequences if applicable.

A well-defined problem statement not only clarifies the research focus but also helps to justify the importance of the study and guides the methodology used to investigate the problem.

Rational of the Study


        How it will help the Society/Org/Inst/Nation

        How it will improve the present policy

        How the result of the study will benefit the practitioner

Research Questions / Hypothesis

        Research Questions must have link with Objectives

        Research Questions are Associated with the Problem Statement

        Research Questions must have link with the Title of the Thesis

        Both Research Questions & Hypothesis can have

        Only Research Questions or only Hypothesis can have

Research Objectives

        Research Objectives Outline the Specific Goals the Study Plans to Achieve When Completed

        General Objective

        Specific  Objective

        Research Objective Must Have Relation with Research Questions or Hypothesis


Literature Review

        To Find out the Research Gap

        What Research has Already been Done in Your Field but what is Missing Which You are Going to Fill up

        It should be accompanied by References and those should be listed at the end.

Conceptual / Theoretical Framework

Research Methodology

        Must Indicate What Methodology to be Used (Qualitative, Quantitative or Mixed)

        Study Design

        Sample size with logic





Time Frame


Case Study

View the research proposal for clear understanding.


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