e-Governance and e-Government in Bangladesh

e-Governance and e-Government in Bangladesh 

Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid


The actual term governance comes from an ancient Greek word, kebernon, which means to steer. In current usage, to govern means to steer, control, and influence from a position of authority.

Governance is an exercise of power for steering social systems, as well as a process by which organizations are directed, controlled, and held to account for their society.

Good governance:

        Good governance has eight major characteristics:

1.    Public Participation

2.    Transparency

3.    Effectiveness and Efficiency

4.    Responsiveness

5.    Accountability

6.    Equity

7.    Inclusiveness

8.    Rule of Law

What is the Relation Between ICT and Governance?

ICT + Governance = E-Governance

Why e-Government?

ü Battling bureaucracy

ü Improving efficiency

ü Better Service delivery

ü Strengthening governance and accountability

  e-Government Definition:

        Basically e-government refers to the utilization of ICT including web-based communications to enhance the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of service delivery by the government to the citizens of different sections of society

  E-government is also termed as e-go, Internet government, digital government, online government, or connected government by different authors and agencies.

        E-government encompasses online interactions between

        Citizens and government (C2G),

        Between government and agencies (G2G),

        Between government and citizens (G2C),

        Between government and employees (G2E),

        Between government and business (G2B) etc.

         Examples of e-government services are e-tax, e-transportation, e-health and e-Procure, e-nothi  , etc

E-Government- what it is?

        E-Government is about applying information and communication technology to all aspects of a government’s business where it makes sense to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the achievement of policy and program outcomes.

           E-government=Change Management and Transformation

   e-Government refers to the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) like internet, to improve government activities and process. e-Government aims of increasing transparency, efficiency and citizen involvement in the various government schemes, operations and process. Hence it speeds up the justice delivery system in the country.

        Whole of the Government Approach to Transform Governance

e-Governance Definition:

        E-governance is the process in a way that an e-Government can give full services through ICT tools.

         In most countries, the government is the largest user of computers and related technology with the objective of enhancing public service delivery through information technology. Citizen will take ICT based e-services to ease their life.

What are the ICT Tools?




        Network infrastructure


        Human Ware

E-governance Attributes:

        Honesty comes from the e-governance. Every mind of officers towards service to citizen ignores self interest. National interest is above the personal interest. e-Governance policy is something automated so that service is an automatic matter despite provider willingness.

        Efficiency is maximum at e-governance. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) and Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C) examination result of 8 education boards of Bangladesh of about 15 lac student revealed within 2 months is the real example nowadays. This speedy result processing system has no single data entry by hand. Data collection using Optical Mark Reader (OMR), data validation, result processing, and print and result publication through the web portal all are automated under the leadership of a systems analyst and about twenty ICT personnel at each board. There have 100% system integrity and security.

        Effectiveness (in terms of time, space, and money ensured by e-governance. The above examples have the reality that 8 educational boards computer center located at the same building in Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka making result in less cost. Because, though initial investment for software, hardware is so big but it is very cheaper for long term perspective. The result is prepared within 2 months.

  Fairplay happened for the case of service delivery as e-governance runs automatically and does not divide poor and rich, village and town.

        Reliability is hundred percent here.  E-governance gives 100% output if input is correct(GIGO). Business processes must be re-engineered for getting reliable output. If garbage is input then garbage is output. So input data should be correct for good reliable service from e-Governance system.

        Participatory is the key tool to be successful of any program. Present traditional administration has limited scope to talk of any citizen to public officers and also with leaders. Now it is one-sided administration. Web portals designed should be such that citizen can submit their opinion directly from anywhere. Good e-governance ensures it.

        Democracy that confirms access of all classes of people to the leader.

       Accountability can be ensured here. Nobody can avoid his duty due to the hardness of software-based business process logic.

        Accessibility for e-services will be easy for all citizens. There will not be a digital divide. All people from the village to town will functional same participation in e-Government services almost through the internet and mobile phone.

      Transparency is available here. Because automation software has no sensor to sense any corrupt officer or culprit to deviate from the system's integrity. Automation software always streamlines with business rules.

        Vision in decision making.

 e-governance benefits:

        5 main benefits to the governance for development:

       Governance that is cheaper: Producing the same output at lower total cost .

       Governance that does more: Producing more outputs at the same total cost.

       Governance that is quicker: Producing the same outputs at the same total cost in less time.

       Governance that works better: Producing the same outputs at the same total cost at the same time but to a higher quality standard.

       Governance that is innovative: Producing new outputs.

e-governance goals:

        The ultimate goal of e-governance are as follows:

o   Improve the internal organizational process of governments

o   Provide better information and service delivery

o    Improve government transparency in order to reduce corruption

o    Reinforce political credibility and accountability

o    Promote democratic practices through public participation and consultation

o    Focus on disadvantaged communities, who otherwise will be excluded

o    Provide that information or service which otherwise will not be provided

o    Create an outcome which in absence of ICT will not be produced efficiently or timely

Comprehensive e-governance strategy:

        Strategy components are:

      E-governance Roadmap

      Institutional Framework

      Technology Infrastructure

      Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

      Delivery Mechanism

      Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan

      Capacity Building and Change Management

      Public Awareness and Communication

E-governance Performance Improvement Strategy:

        Key Actions:

a.     Develop e-Gov implementation strategy

b.    Development of network backbone

c.     Development of quality assurance strategy

d.    Development security assurance strategy

e.     Strategy for TCV (Reduce Time, Reduce Cost, Reduce Visit) when designing e-services

f.      Bench marking for evaluation every after 2 years.

E-governance Outcome:  Empowering Citizens

E-governance Outcome:

a)    Transparency

b)    Accountability

c)    Elimination of Intermediary

d)    Encouraging Citizens to exercise their Rights

Bangladesh Government Online:

o   E-Passports

o   Issuing forms and licenses (http://www.forms.gov.bd/)

o   Filing tax returns online

o   Online Government orders/treasury orders

o   Online file movement system (www.nothi.gov.bd)

o   E-Banking

o   Online Buss and Railway reservations & ticketing

o   E-Sonchoypotro

o   Online VAT services (https://vat.gov.bd/)

o   Hotline (See the list at www.btrc.gov.bd)

o   E-commerce

o   E-Mutation










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