SWOT Analysis


SWOT Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis?

It is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesss, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is divided majorly into two parts. One is Internal (Strengths and Weakness) and another is External (Opportunities and Threats) shown in the folowing figure. SWOT is a planning tool used to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threatens in any project or any business. For the first time, this SWOT framework is credited to Albert Humphrey who led a research project at Stanford University (Stanford Research Institute) in the 1960s and 1970s.

Figure Source: file:///C:/Users/88017/Documents/SWOT%20images.png

Aim of SWOT Analysis

  • Experience learned
  • Know issues that caused the failure 
  • What to do present
  • Continuity of linear decision
  • Where you are vulnerable
  • Where you are success
  • Discover recommendations and strategies when it is needed.
  • Before any sort of new company action

Remember that opportunities and threats are found using the following methods in SWOT analysis: Variety of Choice middle management consultation. Speaking with the stakeholders.

 The purpose of SWOT analysis will be to convert weakness to strength and threats to opportunities. 

Example 1

National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) Case Study: A SWOT Analysis

NAPD is a leading national training academy. Besides, this academy is exploring the field of research and consultancy. This academy is located at the centre heart of Dhaka city near the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. This SWOT analysis is written below just for the purpose of learning. This example will help to understand the concept and implementation of SWOT analysis from a practical point of view.



·       Leading Training Academy praised by organizations

·      Up-to-date training courses

·      Research funds available

·      Doing Consultancy

·      Innovative foods

·      Excellent location

·      Innovative management

·      High-level External speakers

·      Law 2018 passed


        Limited car parking

     Residential facility is limited

     Land is small



  • Signing more MOU’s with national and international organizations.
  • Opening International training courses
  • Arranging international seminars and conference
  • Faculty competency (Knowledge, skill and behavior) program
  • Multimedia Studio setup for e-learning training course
  • New 3 tower building project proposed to increase capacity (Organizational competency)


     Competition with same level academy

   Oraganizational competency

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  1. It is really a great effort, sir. Researchers can get information at a glance about NAPD. And definitely such analysis is an inspiration for your successor. Thank you very much, sir.


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