PHP Programming Practice

XAMPP Software

Download and Install

You have to download and install the xampp for windows package software on your desktop or laptop. 

What is XAMPP  Software?        

It is an open-source Web Server Package. XAMPP is more popular for the PHP development environment.

This packaged software complies with the following operating system (OS)- 

      Microsoft Window


a           Mac OS X

For the purpose of practice, you can install this XAMPP software on your PC or Laptop in the windows operating system environment.

XAMPP package software contains-

       Apache Web Server



       MySQL Database

- FTP Service (Helps to Upload and Download files. It is a protocol that works via the internet to send files from the server and receive to the user)

- SMTP Service ( An application that maintains emails between sender and receiver)

- Tomcat Service (Run Java Script and works with windows services)

List of Webserver-



Open Source

Best Platform

Apache HTTP Server

Apache Software Foundation



Internet Information Services (IIS)

Microsoft Foundation




Eclipse Foundation



Web server tasks-

        To handle

       Get request from the browser

       finds the necessary files

       runs the appropriate scripts

       exchanges cookies if necessary

       returns the results back to the browser

       handling security and encryption

       serving images for other sites (for banners, pictures, etc)

       generating dynamic content

       managing e-commerce functions

 XAMPP Control panel-

Following the xampp control panel, you will see when to click on the xampp icon from the desktop. You can run or stop any services under the xampp package.

Running a PHP program at your laptop-

Put your PHP programs in the  xampp\apache\htdocs folder.

Example- c:\xampp\apache\htdocs\salary.php

When want to run PHP program using xampp software,

1.     Open Internet Explorer

2.     Write at the address bar

3.     http:\\localhost

4.     http:\\localhost\phpmyadmin

5.     http:\\localhost\rashid\salary.php

NB:  http:\\localhost means c:\xampp\htdocs

Do the following Practice-

1. Download and Install the xampp package

2. Run and Stop different services using the xampp control panel

3. Make any  database and table using Mysql

4. Insert, Update, Delete rows from your table

5. Browse rows from a table.


PHP Programming Basics-

Reference Book-

PHP 5.1 for Beginners


Ivan Bayross and Sharanam Shah

PHP is the acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". PHP is a server-side scripting programming language. It is now widely used in the world. Because, it is free, easy to understand, coding and editing. PHP is a very acceptable and popular language for the development of RDBMS based online Application software. PHP is free and can be downloaded and used for application software or website development.

The PHP file extension is ".php". Example- salary.php, lottery.php

PHP supports a wide range of databases like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite etc. Any professional can download PHP's  latest version install it.

PHP is very compatible with webserver software Apache and IIS. Apache is a free web server and is used in the Linux environment. IIS is the available windows OS. So, IIS is the product of Microsoft Corporation. Both Apache and IIS is very popular in the world and 95% of user use them as webserver.

PHP is the middleware programming script that works between Apache / IIS webserver and Database. PHP is capable to embedded with HTML.

There is a friendship between PHP and c programming. Programming syntax is nearer. If anybody knows c then PHP is easy for him/her. If anybody knows PHP then c is easy to understand for him/her.

Practice 1: PHP installation test

// To test whether PHP installed properly or not

?? View all Global variables




Practice 2: Ascii to char


 chr() is used for ascii to char convert

 ord() is used for char to ascii convert

 book page 195






               echo "ASCII Value is : ".$i." Corresponding character value is :    ".chr($i)."<br>";



 Practice 3: for loop to generate two digit numbers

// generate a list of possibilities for two digit numbers consisting of numbers 0 to 5








                              echo$i.$j." ";





 Practice 4: Find Squire  value of given input

// Find Squire and Qube Value


for ($i=0,$j=0; $i<9,$j<9; $i++,$j++)



                              echo "Original valuse : ".$i."               Squire valuse : ".$i*$j."              Qube value : ".$i*$i*$i;

                              echo "<br>";



Practice 5: Generate lottery number using for loop





// put random value at an array



// Output print

echo " ICB Recruitment test 2009";

echo "<br>";

echo " Random number for Data entry Control Operator Post";

echo "<br>";

echo " --------------------------------------------------";

echo "<br>";

echo "<br>";



               echo $tt[$k]."<br>";



 Practice 6: Making results using array, foreach,  and if else if

// Write a program that will generate grade and gives statistics on the basis of marks.








foreach($marks as $mark)




               echo " The result for $mark marks is : Distinction.<br>";



               else if ($mark>=60)


               echo " The result for $mark marks is : First Class.<br>";



               else if ($mark>=45)


               echo " The result for $mark marks is : Second Class.<br>";



               else if ($mark>=33)


               echo " The result for $mark marks is : Third Class.<br>";





               echo " The result for $mark marks is : Fail.<br>";




echo " <br><br>";

echo "Result statistics <br><br>";

echo "Total Distinction got    : $dist<br>";

echo "Total First Class got    : $frst<br>";

echo "Total Second Class got  : $scnd<br>";

echo "Total Third Class  got   : $thrd<br>";

echo "Total Failed             : $fail<br>";


Practice 7:  Write a PHP program that generates the HASH value of a given text

// sha stands for secured hash algorithm


// sha stands for secured hash algorithm

echo strtoupper("40 characters output"."<br><br>");

print sha1("Rashid")."<br><br>";

print sha1("mamun")."<br><br>";

print sha1("Mamun")."<br><br>";

print sha1("md. abdur rashid")."<br><be>";


The following output will see on the screen-






Practice 8: Write a PHP program that generates the HEXA value of a given text

// Give 32 characters hexadecimal output. 

// md stands for message digest

// md5() function gives the 128 bit 'fingerprint' or 'message digest' of the given input. This output can be used in digital signature.


echo strtoupper("32 characters output"."<br><br>");

print md5("Rashid")."<br><br>";

print md5("mamun")."<br><br>";

print md5("Mamun")."<br><br>";

print md5("md. abdur rashid")."<br><br>";


The following output will see on the screen:






Practice 9: Write a PHP program that sum of a given input

// create a function that make sum



function mysum()


global $var1,$var2,$total;






echo "<br>";

echo "<br>";

echo " Total calculated value  :  ".$total;

echo "<br>";


echo " Total grant value       :  ".$grant_total;


In php global variables must declare inside the function


Program Output:

Total calculated value: 384
Total grant value: 884

Practice 10: Write a PHP program to find the salary

// create a function that makes your monthly salary


function salary($basic)













echo "<br>";

echo "<br>";

echo "<br>";

echo " Total salary encountered    :  ".$total_salary;

Program output:

Total salary encountered: 35600


NB: You can put your valuable comments to improve the blog content. The writer is Oracle Certified Professional, trainer, innovator,  and researcher and can be contacted at the mail


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