
Understanding Bibliometric Study

  Bibliometric Study Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid A bibliometric study is a type of research method that uses quantitative analysis to evaluate and measure publications in a particular field, such as books, journal articles, conference papers, and other scholarly work. The goal is to understand trends, patterns, and relationships within the scientific literature or any body of academic work. This approach is commonly used to assess the impact of specific researchers, institutions, journals, or even topics. Key aspects of bibliometric studies include: Citation analysis : This looks at the number of times an article, author, or journal is cited in other works. Highly cited works are often considered influential in the field. Co-authorship analysis : This examines the collaborative networks between authors and institutions to identify trends in collaborative research. Keywords and topic modeling : By analyzing keywords in publications, bibliometric studies can track how certa...

Political Economy in Procurement Perspective

Political Economy in Procurement Perspective   Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid In the context of procurement, political economy refers to the intersection of political and economic factors that influence decision-making, policies, and practices in the procurement process. This perspective looks at how government regulations, policies, power dynamics, stakeholder interests, and societal influences shape procurement activities, such as sourcing, contract management, and purchasing decisions. Key elements of political economy in procurement include: Government Policies and Regulations : The rules and laws set by governments impact procurement processes, such as rules for public tenders, transparency, anti-corruption measures, trade policies, and environmental standards. Political Influence : Political agendas can affect procurement decisions, such as favoring certain industries, companies, or geographical regions. This can lead to cronyism, corruption, or biased bidding processes. ...

Tracer study as research method

Tracer Study  A tracer study is a type of research method used to track and collect data on the outcomes and experiences of individuals after they have completed a specific program or activity. This is commonly used in educational, vocational, and training contexts to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and to understand the long-term impacts on participants. For example, universities might conduct tracer studies to track the employment status, career progression, and further education of graduates. The goal is to understand how well the program prepared them for the real world, and whether it met their needs and expectations. Key components of a tracer study often include: Survey or Interview : Gathering data directly from individuals (graduates, trainees, etc.). Follow-Up : Checking in with participants after a certain time has passed (often a few months or years). Analysis : Evaluating trends, outcomes, and correlations based on the data. The findings from a tracer st...

PhD Tips

  PhD Tips Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid Director (Admin & Finance), NAPD I’d like to share my personal experiences with the PhD journey from my perspective- 1. A PhD doesn't demand extraordinary intelligence, but rather an immense amount of patience and perseverance. 2. The scope of your research will not be vast, but rather a very specific and narrow focus. 3. Your supervisor cannot do everything for you; they serve as a guiding umbrella. Ultimately, you will be your own supervisor. 4. Keeping a PhD diary is essential. Write down every thought, idea, or insight as soon as it comes to you—even after leaving the washroom. Make sure to follow through on each task and mark it off once completed. 5. From day one to the very end, adhere strictly to the guidelines provided by your university and supervisor. Review other PhD reports to enhance the quality of your work. 6. Avoid being overly ambitious about publishing in renowned journals. It takes time. Stick to your university...

What is the difference between strategy and planning?

Difference between strategy and planning Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid The difference between strategy and planning lies in their focus, purpose, and scope. Here's a breakdown: 1. Focus: Strategy: Strategy is the big picture approach. It defines the overall direction and long-term goals of an organization or individual. It's about setting a vision and determining how to achieve that vision in a competitive or challenging environment. Planning: Planning is more tactical. It focuses on the specific steps, actions, and resources required to implement the strategy. It deals with details, timelines, and practicalities of executing the strategy. 2. Purpose: Strategy: The purpose of strategy is to provide guidance and clarity about where to go and how to navigate challenges. It's about choosing the right opportunities and making decisions on positioning and growth. Planning: The purpose of planning is to organize a...

Differences between the terms Science, Technology, and Engineering

What are the differences between the terms Science, Technology, and Engineering? Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid Director (Admin & Finance) NAPD Science Focus: The systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. Goal: To understand and explain the universe, its laws, and its phenomena. Methods: Scientific inquiry involves formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. Examples: Physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology. Technology Focus: The application of scientific knowledge to create tools, machines, and systems that solve problems or fulfill human needs. Goal: To improve efficiency, productivity, and quality of life. Methods: Technological development often involves innovation, design, and engineering. Examples: Computers, smartphones, automobiles, medical devices, renewable energy systems. Eng...

Role of Critical Success Factors and KPI for Developing SMP

  Critical Success Factors and KPI Dr. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid   Every organization or industry will have its own objectives. Every task that must be finished successfully and efficiently will adhere to a specific process. Ultimately, every process will have a distinct cycle from start to finish. There will be a lot of repetitive activities. Activities won't all be CSF. CSF is a list of a few crucial actions that will help break the cycle and help accomplish the goals. The key point indicators (KPI) used to describe each CSF will be unique. The CSF and KPI concepts are more useful when creating a Strategic Management Plan (SMP) or carrying out research.   From the above discussion, I may conclude a definition of CSF: CSF are the list of potential activities or variables that have influence to end the process effectively to achieve any vision.   Example- NAPD  is a leading training academy in Bangladesh. Different training courses are off...

Developing Personal Skills

  Developing Personal Skills Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid  PhD, NAPD Dear Officers and Staff, you must establish and ensure the long-term growth of your organization. Maintain the following managerial abilities in order to enhance personal skills on a daily basis while working. 1.                  1)       Self-assessment 2)       Creativity 3)       Innovation 4)       Listening and feedback 5)       Find self-satisfaction 6)       Leadership 7)       Team building 8)       Hunt knowledge 9)       Self-reliance and judgment 10)    Resilience 11)    Time management 12)    Stress management 13)    Control over anything 14)    Find satisfa...

How to Conduct a FGD?

  Conducting FGD and Report Writing FGD (Focus Group Discussion)- FGD is a tools of PRA and RRA. FGD is not survey. Survey will have questions. For, FGD will have checklist. NVIVO software is helpful for data analysis. FGD is a method to collect qualitative data. 6-10 participants/respondents will have in a FGD. But 2+ can also be for a particular case. Time for a FGD can 60-90 minutes. In FGD participants can be but in quantitative data collection respondents is more fit. Same or homogeneous group participants will be sit for a FGD. Heterogeneous group also can be. Example, for policy making FGD- UNO, Chairman, village farmers can sit forgather. But in this case, precautions for FGD that not to be heart by any one. No outer discussion will be in FGD. Facilitator will have this power to manage it. Facilitator will dominate the FGD period. It is his power. Purpose of FGD- Evaluation. It can be short term ,mid term and long term evaluation. FGD Team- FGD will be done by a facilitator...

Motivation for Research

  Motivation for Research   What is motivation? It is list of causes/problems/gaps that have to attain by research.   Suppose why I am going to take PhD research? What is the motivation for PhD study? Anybody can ask me. PhD research is roaring on the boat in the sea. It is very difficult to earn a PhD degree. Following some motivations inspired me took PhD admission in 2017-18 session in Bangladesh University of Professionals in Dhaka Bangladesh.   Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential benefits are-   Face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems, Any problems initiate research, Get intellectual joy of doing some creative work, Delivery service to society, To get social respect, Directives of government, Employment conditions, Professional capacity development, Curiosity about new things, Research knowledge can sell throughout the life for livelihood, Desire to understand causal relationships, Few abo...

How to Write Case Study Report?

Case Study Report Specific Terms to Follow- Ø  Font-  Times New Roman  or Arial Ø  Font Size head-12 Bold, body-12 normal Ø  Space- Double or demanded by the respective authority Ø  Font size- 12 or specified by the authority Ø  Total words (Specified by the authority) Ø  Total pages (Specified by the authority)   Section 1: Synopsis/Executive Summary ü Organization Background.    Explain what your organization did. ü   Short and sweet. ü Create 2 or 3 crucial sentences that provide a concise overview of the case study .  ü Value   Proposition (What is unique, being new, original, or unusual  or innovation here) ü It must be informative and summarize the story by introducing the customer or stakeholders and their pain points. ü Challenge if any. ü Solution.        Section 2: Introduction • ...

Literature Review

 Difference between a literature review and a systematic literature review The difference between a literature review and a systematic review is that the systematic review is very specific and focused, while the standard literature review is much more general. A literature review gives you a summary of already existing research, while a systematic review answers a specific question without instances of biasness. From a value point of view, systematic review connects researchers to evidence-based practices while a literature review focuses strictly on giving a summary of already existing studies. Reference More specific- Systematic review High level of overview of a primary research  1. Goal- Answer a specified  question 2. Timeline- months to years (Average 18 months) 3. Authors- 3 or more 4. Question- Clearly defined and answerable question 5. Systematic Search strategy, assessment on findings, interpretation and presentation of result 6. `Value- Brings high quality...

Implication of Block chain Technology Integration in Supply Change Management

Workshop on “ Implication of Block chain Technology Integration in Supply Change Management”   Opening Address as Workshop Director Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid Director (Admin & Finance), NAPD     Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.. Congratulations. Honorable Chief Guest of today’s Workshops ceremony Mr. Sukesh Kumar Sarker, Secretary to the Govt. and Director General of NAPD, Respected Chairperson K M Ali Reza, Additional Director General (Additional Secretary), NAPD, Respected Keynote Paper Presente Dr. Md. Shohrab Hossain Prof. Dept. of CSE, BUET. Two Panel Discussion Mohammad Salahuddin, Deputy Secretary, Project Analyst, a2i, Mr. Abdus Satter, Assistant Professor, Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, Workshop Coordinators, faculty members of NAPD and participants of different authorities Assalamoalikum and very Good Morning. Are your organization utilizing NextGen technologies, such as robotics, autonomous vehicl...