
Showing posts from June, 2023

Literature Review

 Difference between a literature review and a systematic literature review The difference between a literature review and a systematic review is that the systematic review is very specific and focused, while the standard literature review is much more general. A literature review gives you a summary of already existing research, while a systematic review answers a specific question without instances of biasness. From a value point of view, systematic review connects researchers to evidence-based practices while a literature review focuses strictly on giving a summary of already existing studies. Reference More specific- Systematic review High level of overview of a primary research  1. Goal- Answer a specified  question 2. Timeline- months to years (Average 18 months) 3. Authors- 3 or more 4. Question- Clearly defined and answerable question 5. Systematic Search strategy, assessment on findings, interpretation and presentation of result 6. `Value- Brings high quality...

Implication of Block chain Technology Integration in Supply Change Management

Workshop on “ Implication of Block chain Technology Integration in Supply Change Management”   Opening Address as Workshop Director Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid Director (Admin & Finance), NAPD     Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.. Congratulations. Honorable Chief Guest of today’s Workshops ceremony Mr. Sukesh Kumar Sarker, Secretary to the Govt. and Director General of NAPD, Respected Chairperson K M Ali Reza, Additional Director General (Additional Secretary), NAPD, Respected Keynote Paper Presente Dr. Md. Shohrab Hossain Prof. Dept. of CSE, BUET. Two Panel Discussion Mohammad Salahuddin, Deputy Secretary, Project Analyst, a2i, Mr. Abdus Satter, Assistant Professor, Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, Workshop Coordinators, faculty members of NAPD and participants of different authorities Assalamoalikum and very Good Morning. Are your organization utilizing NextGen technologies, such as robotics, autonomous vehicl...