
Showing posts from February, 2023

How to Write a Research Report?

  Dear Blog Reader, The following format can be used to write a research report. Remember that your supervisor may expect a variation of the following report structure in various ways. University expectations can differ. Specific points to Follow-  Font-  Times New Roman  or Arial  Font Size head-12 Bold, body-12 normal  Space- Double or demanded by the respective authority  Font size- 12 or specified by the authority Total words (Specified by the authority) Total pages (Specified by the authority) A plagiarism check should be done before submitting a report. It depends on the organization, but generally 15 to 30 percent is acceptable. If under 15%, it's really wonderful. How to write a research report? Title:   The words in title will not be in abbreviated form. Shorter title is good. Title will ensure the vision of research.   Abstract Abstract:  The Abstract should include the importance/necessity of the work, ...

How to Write a Research Proposal?

  Research proposal The research proposal is like the blueprints an architect draws out before a structure is built. A crucial step in the research process is creating a research proposal. Following key points can be followed when preparing a research proposal. TITLE of the Research 1.     Introduction 1)     Background of the Study 2)     Problem Statement 3)     Rational of the Study 4)  Research Questions / Hypothesis 5)     Objectives 6) Limitation of Research 7) Chapter Organizations 2.     Literature Review 3.     Conceptual  Framework /Theoretical Framework 4.     Methodology 1)     Study Design 2)     Sample Size Distribution 3)     Ethical issues 4)     Triangulation 5)     Procedure 5.     Conclusion 6.     Ti...

Search Engines

  List of popular Search Engines: 1.         Google (Most popular in the global market) 2.          Bing (Second popular in the global market) 3.          Baidu (Most popular in China) 4.          Yahoo! 5.          Yandex (Most popular in Russia) 6.          Ask. 7.          DuckDuckGo. 8.          Naver. About Google The search engine is written in Python, C, C++ and owned by Microsoft Corporation. It conform 92% share of the global search. Every day, about 3.5 billion searches ( Wikipedia ) globally. About Bing The search engine software is written in ASP.NET programing language and owned by Microsoft. An AI program now powers Bing. The Bing includes AI. Faster and summarized results are thus possible. Quick decisions will b...