
Showing posts from August, 2022

SPSS Orientation

  About SPSS SPSS stands for Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. This software is developed by International Business Machines (IBM) corporation. The initial release was in 1968. This software is operated in Windows, Linux, Unix and mac operating systems. This SPSS is a JAVA platform. Researchers use this SPSS software for data analysis and data management. This SPSS software is very helpful for social science research. You can download the SPSS software as the free version. You can purchase it as a licensed copy. SPSS version 26 is now (the year 2022) available. File name extension is .sav. Example pizza.sav SPSS can be used for any of the following functions ü     Creating a database to input data ü     Data import from other sources like MS Excel ü     Data management ü     Data analysis ü   Graphical presentation of data SPSS has Five windows ü     Variable window ü     Data window ü  ...

Statistical Data Measuring Scales

Data Measuring Scales  In statistical data, there are four types of measuring scales. Types are  1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Interval 4. Ratio 1. What is nominal data type? It is qualitative. No mathematical operation. Can not be measured. Only category/classification is possible. No ordering here. Example, Male, Female, Divorced, Married, widow, eye colour, Gender, Religion etc. It is impossible to order religion. Rather helpful for getting a Pie chart and frequency. 2. What is the Ordinal data type? Nominal data type features + more features. It is Qualitative. It is possible to sort data.  Example, Very unhappy, Unhappy, Ok, happy, very happy But the problem is that it is impossible to measure the amount between very unhappy and happy.  Roll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Here, the roll number is ordered but the number gap is not equal between rolls 1 and 2 etc. 3.  What is the Interval data type? It is quantitative. Categorized, Ordered, Addition and Subtraction are possib...

Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics and Hypothesis Tests

What is descriptive Statistics? Descriptive Statistics refers to a discipline that quantitatively describes the important characteristics of the dataset. For the purpose of describing properties, it uses measures of central tendency, i.e. mean, median, mode and the measures of dispersion i.e. range, standard deviation, quartile deviation and variance, etc. The data is summarized by the researcher, in a useful way, with the help of numerical and graphical tools such as charts, tables, and graphs, to represent data in an accurate way. Moreover, the text is presented in support of the diagrams, to explain what they represent. ·        Organize ·        Summarize ·        Simplify ·        Presentation of data What is  Inferential Statistics? Inferential Statistics is all about generalizing from the sample to the population, i.e. the results of the analysis of the sam...